16 February 2014

trend alert : star wars

Je ne sais pas vous mais quand j'ai découvert les robes à imprimés Star Wars de la nouvelle collection Rodarte je suis restée assez... sceptique. Parce que bon, d'une, qui va porter ça, sérieusement? Et de deux, je me suis demandée comment les soeurs Mulleavy avaient pu arriver à cette idée saugrenue. Ensuite j'ai oublié (parce que bon, je vais être honnête, ces robes, ce n'est franchement pas ma came). Et puis, aujourd'hui, c'est avec stupeur que je découvre la collection Preen (une griffe que j'adore par ailleurs) et son imprimé... Dark Vador. Déjà, là, ça passe mieux mais... quand même. Il faut donc croire que les créateurs ont été tout aussi excités que les inconditionnels de la saga par l'annonce du tournage de nouveaux épisodes. Mais de là à dire que c'est une bonne chose... Hum.

I don't know about you but when I discovered the Star Wars printed dress of the new Rodarte collection, I was quite... dubious. Because, firstly, who is going to wear that, seriously? And secondly, I was wondering how the Mulleavy sisters came to this surprising idea. Then, I totally forgot about this because, to be honest, these dresses are totally not my thing. And then, today, it is with a great surprise that I discovered the new Preen collection (a brand I really like by the way) and its... Dark Vador print. Well, here, actually, it looks better, in my opinion but... really? So I suppose designers were at least as much excited as the saga fans by the announcement of the new Star Wars projets. But is it a good thing... Hum.

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Rodarte Fall 2014 Ready-To-Wear

Preen By Thornton Bregazzi Fall 2014 Ready-To-Wear



  1. I love the style and cut of the above dresses and they look so comfy to wear. I'm not sure whether I could wear such a beautiful dress with a massive Star Wars picture on. what do you think?


    1. You mean the Rodarte dresses? I'm not a big fan of them and would not wear them anyway, I prefer the Preen outfits which are more subtle in my opinion! I really like the black dress for exemple and I think the Star Wars picture doesn't look too 'much' on it!
      Thanks for commenting!

  2. I am actually not very keen on Star wars, so it's going to be a no for me. But I do like the fact that the brand decided to go with something original, so yay for that!
    By the way, I just discovered your blog and I love it! xx

    1. I totally agree with you even if the result is quite weird in my opinion! Thanks a lot for your comment, it means a lot!
      - Cla



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